A Photo Adventure in Ladakh, India
Learn, Serve & Immerse by Engaging with Ladakhi Culture and Non-profits
In partnership with Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation (LAMO) and Merrill Images, we invite you to join us and photo educators John and Lisa Merrill for an 12-day photo adventure immersed in the vibrant Buddhist culture of Ladakh in Northern India, a magical place where verdant river valleys cut through arid landscapes dominated by the snow-capped Himalayas.
Ladakh’s stunningly beautiful scenery and deeply spiritual, age-old ways of life make it a special place for our small group to connect, learn, explore and create. Photography instruction on the tour is personal, informal and optional. Whether an avid photographer or casual phone-camera user, you’ll dive deep into local life, explore the artistic and technical sides of photography, and create compelling images to treasure and share. You’ll also have the opportunity to use your visual storytelling skills to help Ladakhi Non-profit organizations (NGOs) doing vital work to strengthen communities, promote cultural heritage and foster sustainable development.
Global Family Travels’ 3 travel pillars of Learn, Serve and Immerse are woven throughout our itinerary.
About Ladakh
Once an independent Buddhist kingdom at the crossroads of vital trade routes between China and the Middle East, Ladakh, often called “Little Tibet” or “Land of the Broken Moon,” is one of the last places in the world where the Buddhist way of life is unrepressed. Its people have traditionally lived a simple subsistence lifestyle, and worship at centuries-old hilltop monasteries under the majestic Himalayas.
Learn more about Ladakh in our recent blogs:
September 12-23, 2020
Early bird discount: $200 off by March 1
Duration: 12 days, 11 nights (plus one day of travel)
Optional Extension
to Nubra Valley
Video Photo album
Location Map
Video Credit: Rick Meining
Tour Route: New Delhi-Leh--Delhi