Do you love Buddhist Art? And are you fascinated by the history of the silk road and the caravans of traders of India’s high mountain passes? In the Summer of 2021, we invite you to join us in Ladakh, India with Trip Leader, Laura Kozaitis, Co-Founder of the Siddhartha School Project, for an enriching 12-day tour through the remaining temples associated with the great Buddhist translator, Rinchen Zangpo, who translated Sanskrit Buddhist texts into Tibetan during the second diffusion of Buddhism in Tibet.
Once an independent Buddhist kingdom at the crossroads of vital trade routes between China and the Middle East, Ladakh, often called “Little Tibet” or “Land of the Broken Moon,” is one of the last places in the world where the Buddhist way of life is unrepressed. Its unique geographical location in one of the northernmost regions in India makes Ladakh rich with extraordinary trekking trails for all expertise levels.
Learn more about Ladakh in our recent blogs:
Duration: 12 days, 11 nights (plus one day of travel)
Video Photo album
Location Map
Video Credit: Rick Meining
Tour Route: New Delhi-Leh-Stok-Agra-Delhi